Summer Staff & Volunteers
Every year we need incredible program staff and volunteers to serve and invest in the lives of the hundreds of children and youth who spend time with us at Circle Square Ranch.
Summer Volunteer Opportunities
Staff and volunteers must be at least 16 years of age. Staff and volunteers are selected through a thorough hiring process including an online application, interview and police check. Once accepted, all staff are required to participate in a comprehensive training program. Ongoing evaluation continues throughout the course of their commitment.

Summer Staff & Volunteer Opportunities
wagon/pathways leaders
cooks & kitchen staff
activities/staff instructors
horsemanship staff
maintenance staff
recreation staff
Does this sound like you?
Teachable, helpful, friendly, hard-working, maintain a positive attitude, reliable, flexible, and a team player
A faithful witness of Jesus Christ in word and action; in a committed relationship with Him; having a mature, growing faith and the freedom to share the same
A leader who has the flexibility and willingness to help out wherever help is needed
A leader who has an understanding of and caring for children
The ability to live and work in a camp environment
The ability to work with other staff in a spirit of co-operation
A demonstrated willingness to participate fully in camp activities
A successful result from screening procedures such as: police record check, reference checks and verification of special training certificates